Zapier is the most popular App to App integration tool. We integrate directly with Zapier from Optin forms, and Checkout forms via Webhooks by Zapier, but if you use a 3rd party app to either take sales or get leads, and you want to add those sales or leads into OptimizeMentor as a user and assign a membership to them, then you’ll want to keep reading this guide.
Before continuing, you should have a good knowledge on how to use Zapier. If you don’t, then we would suggest learning more about Zapier and how to build a Zap first.
You can use any Trigger app in Zapier to capture data to send to another app. The Action step is where you would setup the connection to the Mentor plugin. That is what we are going to cover in this guide below.
Webhooks By Zapier
When you setup your action step in Zapier, you’ll select the “Webhooks by Zapier” app. This requires a premium Zapier account.
Once you add the Webhooks by Zapier app to the action step, you’ll want to be sure that you use the POST option. Then click “Continue”

Setting up the Webhook
Now we’ll need to setup the action in the webhook. This is where you’ll get the information from the Trigger to send out to your site via the webhook to create the user. You’ll need to famliarize yourself with the OptimizeMentor Inbound API before continuing, as we’ll be using that information to populate the webhook action step.
Please refer to the image below to see how to setup the webhook.

Data Value Pairs
There are some required data that needs to be sent with your Webhook.
- memberships – You can get the membership ID from “Mentor > Memberships”
- opm_api_key – This can be found under “Mentor > Settings > API Settings”
- email – The email address of the user (comes from the trigger step)
Optional data:
- first_name – The first name of your member (comes from trigger step’s data)
- last_name – The last name of your member (comes from trigger step’s data)
- notify (1/0) – 1 will send the email with logins. 2 will prevent the logins email from going out
Other API Operations
You can also perform other actions such as updating users or even revoking access to memberships.
Remove Membership
To remove a membership, you would simply change your base URL to the following, and make sure you have the required parameters from above, and then the memberships ID you enter is the one that would be revoked.
Updating a user (to add more memberships)
To update a user, make sure to use the required parameters from above. The memberships ID would be what you want to add to the user.
Further Reading
To learn more about the OptimizeMentor API please refer to the following guides
Incoming API Webhooks Guide
OptimizeMentor API & Webhooks (Developers Guide)
Quick Note:
Please note that while we provide this guide for using Zapier, our team can not assist with advanced issues where zaps are not working properly and can not setup zaps for you as part of our support. It is recommended if you are not familiar with Zapier that you hire a Zapier expert to help you setup a working zap that you can then clone as needed.
Further help
If you suspect there might be a bug in the OptimizeMentor API, please reach out to our team for help.
If you have followed this guide exactly, then your zaps should work. If not, then we would suggest making sure nothing was missed and that you have no typos in the zap, and that you have tested with 3rd party plugins and firewalls disabled prior to contacting our support team.