Mentor Members Dashboard

OptimizeMentor has an Admin Members Dashboard. As an Admin, you can manage your members from this dashboard. Lets take a short tour of the Mentor Members Dashboard.

How to Access Mentor Members Dashboard

To access this, simply login to your site and navigate to “Mentor > Members”

Here is what the Mentor Members Dashboard looks like.

Dashboard Top Navigation

The Members dashboard allows you to access all of Mentor’s settings from the top menu. You’ll find this navigation bar within all admin areas of OptimizeMentor.

  • Memberships – From this link, you can add, delete, and manage the Memberships within Mentor
  • Courses – This link will allow you to add, remove, edit, and manage your Courses
  • Members – This is the dashboard we are referring to in this guide.
  • Settings – From this link, you can manage OptimizeMentor’s plugin settings.
  • Tools – If you want to access other OptimizePress tools, such as Checkouts, Funnels, etc. then you can click on this link.
  • Help – The help link will take you to our help center which is where this guide is available.
  • The last icon there allows you to go into distraction free mode for OptimizeMentor which hides everything but what you are working on. Click it again to show everything such as the admin sidebar and top menus.

You can also find these links under the “Mentor” menu in the left sidebar of the WordPress Admin area

Member Buttons

The blue buttons at the top (below the navigation toolbar) will allow you to Add, Import, or Mass Edit members.

  • Add new Member – This will allow you to add new members to your membership site.
  • Import Members – If you have a compatible CSV you can import members, or also add multiple members manually.
  • Mass Edit Members – Use if you need to make changes to all members of your site that meet specific criteria

Filter & Search Members

You may filter and search for members. Just choose a membership to filter by.

You can choose from the following options

  • All Members
  • Members without any access (someone who currently has no access to any memberships)
  • Choose from a specific membership to list members for that specific membership.

The search field will allow you to search for a member by name or email.

Bulk Actions

You can bulk select members by ticking the box to the left of their name, and then click on “Bulk Actions”

You can take the following bulk actions when selecting 1 or more members.

  • Add to Membership – You can add selected member(s) to one or more memberships
  • Remove from Membership – Choose memberships to remove. If the user had access, they will no longer have access once you take this action.
  • Delete – Be careful! You can delete selected users. Be aware that this permanently deletes their membership history such as user progress, and removes from all memberships. The user will no longer be able to login to your site.

Editing Users

You can take other actions from the Mentor Members Dashboard as well. When you hover your mouse pointer over a member, you’ll see another menu appear.

You can take the following actions from the hover menu

  • WP User – This opens the default edit screen for the user in WordPress. You can do things such as edit the user information, change their password, or manage other options found on that screen.
  • Login as – You can login as if you were this member, without having to use their password. Note that currently to exit this access you would have to logout.
  • Edit Access – This will let you add and/or remove Memberships for this user.
  • Edit Button – Click the “Edit” button if you wish to update the user’s name (you can also edit membership access from there as well.

If you need any further help with the Mentor Members Dashboard, please reach out to our support team and they’ll be happy to answer your questions or help solve issues.

Updated on June 24, 2023

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