Facebook Integration

If you are using Facebook Comments or other Facebook related elements, you’ll want to setup the Facebook Integration under “OptimizePress > Settings > Integrations” in order to properly moderate comments or show a like counter.

The App ID and App Secret will come from a Facebook App that you create for your site.

Create Your Facebook App

To create your Facebook App, first you’ll need to ensure that you have a Facebook account and are signed in. Then, visit the following URL:https://developers.facebook.com/ (link opens in a new window). You should see the Meta developer page which should look something similar to this:

Next, click on “My Apps”

Then click “Create App”

On the next screen you’ll see you need to choose a category. You can select “None” as I did, or choose any of the options there. Then click “Next” to continue.

Now you’ll need to provide basic information for your App such as display name, email address, and whether you want to link your business account. Linking a business account is not required. 

Once you have everything filled in correctly, then click the “Create App” button and verify your password in the popup.

Now that the app is created, the edit screen for the app will show. We will now click on “Basic” under the settings on the left side of the screen.

Enter your site’s domain under “App Domains” and click “Save Changes” at the bottom right side.

Get the App ID and App Secret

After you created your app and entered your App Domain, then the next step is to copy the App ID and the App Secret. If you are already in the editor from the above steps then you can just copy the App ID and App Secret like you see here

If you already had a Facebook APP and just need to get the App ID and App Secret, then you will just login to the Facebook Developers site, and edit your app and get the same information from the same screen (depicted above).

Add the Facebook App ID and Secret to OptimizePress

To add the App ID and App Secret into OptimizePress, login to your site and navigate to “OptimizePress >> Settings > Integrations” and you’ll paste in the App ID and Secret and then save the settings.

Now you should be all set. If you need further help or things don’t seem to be working correctly for your comments or other Facebook elements, please reach out to our support team and they’ll be more than happy to help further.

Updated on September 19, 2022

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