Our BirdSend integration allows you to easily send leads from your OptimizePress opt-in forms directly to Sequences inside your BirdSend account.
You can then use the built in BirdSend automation options to apply tags, record conversions, or send automated email sequences to your new leads to build the relationship with your prospects and turn them into customers.
To use the BirdSend Integration you will need:
- An active BirdSend account
- An active OptimizePress account
- An OptimizePress page which includes an Optin Form element
How to use the BirdSend Integration
Follow these steps to integrate your BirdSend account and OptimizePress site.
1. Connect your BirdSend account to your OptimizePress site
Our BirdSend integration uses a super simple oAuth integration so you can quickly connect your OptimizePress site to your BirdSend account with no need for API keys.
First go to OptimizePress
Dashboard > Integrations and Click Add New Integration
Choose BirdSend from the options:
If you are not logged into your BirdSend account, you will be prompted to login
Once you have successfully logged into your BirdSend account, you should be redirected back to your OptimizePress Integrations dashboard where you should see BirdSend is now integrated./activated:
2. Using BirdSend on your Optin Form Element
Now that BirdSend is integrated, you can use this integrate on any of your Optin Form elements inside your OptimizePress site.
Select your Optin Form element and click the integration options to show the available integrations. You should see BirdSend as one of the available integrations:
“Next Step” after selecting BirdSend to view your integration options
You will now see a dropdown with your available Sequences from BirdSend. If you have recently created a new Sequence, you may need to click the “Refresh” button in the top right of the screen, or on rare occasions where this doesn’t work you may need to clear your OptimizePress site cache (inside the main OptimizePress settings) to clear all integration cache.
Select the Sequence you wish to add leads from your optin form to. All new leads from this form will be added to this sequence after submitting your form.
Click Next Step to move onto the Form fields options.
From this screen you can choose which fields from BirdSend to show on your optin form. Currently we only support text field inputs, we will be adding support for other field types in the future. If you wish to add more fields here you’ll need to first create them in BirdSend and then refresh your site cache.
Selecting the fields you wish to include (We recommend keeping the number of fields as low as possible to increase conversion rate) and then click
Next Step…
You can now add GDPR options for your form. This step gives you the opportunity to add a checkbox to your forms to allow users to confirm their preferences for contact from you. These options are linked to custom fields inside BirdSend. You can use these if you feel the are required in your country of business (check with a legal representative for more assistance on this):
The final step in your integration is to choose what happens to the contact/lead after they subscribe. You can show them a custom confirmation message, redirect them to another page, or trigger a popup:
Once you have confirmed your final step, you will be provided with a summary of your optin form options. You can always re-edit your form at any time to change any of the steps to fit your requirements
You’re now all set and ready to use
BirdSend with OptimizePress!
How to set BirdSend Single or Double Optin
To choose a single optin or double optin setting for the BirdSend API, you will want to edit the API Settings within BirdSend. You can do that by logging into BirdSend and then going to “Settings > Integrations > API Settings” from within the BirdSend app and making the selection there.
For more information about this, please visit the BirdSend guide on how to change the API Settings
If you have any questions about this integration or need any further help please reach out to our support team and they’ll be happy to guide you further.