Please note that while the video shows “Courses” available in the membership content access rules setting, this option has been removed. The reason is, you will protect the course by going into the course itself and select the membership there which you want to protect the course.
Click here to see our guide on how to protect courses with memberships.
To secure any content on your WordPress website and include it in this membership, you must create a Content Access Rule. Each rule defines content included in your membership. Any content added to your rules will be automatically protected from public visitor access.
You can protect pages, posts, courses, as well as other custom post types in WordPress. To get started, click the “Add Content Access Rule” button.

A Membership can have multiple content access rules, so you’ll do best to name each one so you know what they are for. You can protect pretty much anything you want within WordPress here. In the example below, I selected Select Pages in order to choose a page to protect.

You can type in the name of the page to find it. The content selector will start filtering the results in the drop down when you start typing which is helpful if you have a lot of pages. In this case I have chosen my Membership Resources page.

Once you choose all the pages you want to add, then click the “Create New Content Access Rule” button. You can edit later if you forgot any pages. Once you save the access rule you’ll see the green noticed that says it was saved

To edit your Content Access Rule, just click the gear icon to open the settings back up

If you have any questions about how to protect your membership or course content just reach out to use in support and we’ll be happy to help guide you further.