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OptimizeCheckouts Integration with Zapier

Zapier.com is a great way to connect apps together through integrations. 

OptimizeCheckouts order data such as First Name, Last Name, and Email Address can be sent to Zapier through a Zapier Webhook. You can then use this data in any other app that is connected to Zapier.

To begin, you’ll first need a Zapier Account. You may also need a paid Zapier account in order to use the “Webhooks by Zapier” App, however in most cases you can setup the zap first and test it before Zapier would require a paid account.

Once you have a Zapier Account, just follow the directions below to send data from OptimizeCheckouts to Zapier.

Creating Your Zap and Connecting OptimizeCheckouts to it

Login to Zapier and click ”
Zaps” and ”
Create Zap

Then make sure you give your Zap a name. Then search for ”
Webhooks” and then click on ”
Webhooks by Zapier

Make sure to select ”
Catch Hook” under the ”
Trigger Event” when using Webhooks by Zapier app. 

Click ”

Now copy your Custom Webhook URL by clicking the blue “Copy” button

Now keep your Zapier screen right where it is at and go back to your site in another browser tab.

Now head over to ”
Checkouts >> Products” and click ”
Edit” for the product you want to trigger the Zap with.

Click the ”
Integration Rules” link on the left: 

click ”
Add Rule

Name the rule, and select the Trigger Action and Integration Service. In this case, Zapier, and paste in the webhook URL.

Then click ”
Add Rule

Once you have added this, now you’ll need to go back to the Zapier Zap and click the ”
ontinue” Button (leave all other options there as default before clicking “Continue”)

After you do this you’ll need to go place an order on your site for the product you setup the zap for. After you test the product checkout, go back into Zapier
Now you’ll just click ”
Test trigger” button

You should see the order data show up there. Just click ”

Now you can choose the Zapier App where you want to use that Data

Please follow the directions provided to you from the service you are using and how to use their Zapier App.
You should be able to use the data collected from the sale (first name, last name, email) and use it in any App you decide to connect this Zap with.
If you need to create other Checkouts Product integration rules for other things such as subscription or payment refunds/cancellations, you would need a new zap for each. 
You can test refunds and cancellations using the Stripe Test or PayPal Sandbox as well. So instead of placing a test order to test the zap webhook, you would make a transaction and then perform the action that should trigger the integration rule.

If you have questions about how to use the data within another app on Zapier, we would suggest reaching out to the creator of the App for support as we can not provide support in Zapier beyond this step of using the Webhooks to get the data into Zapier.

Updated on November 28, 2022

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