With OptimizePress, creating a checkout page is very easy. All you have to do is choose a checkout template and then customize it. You can add, remove, or change any elements on the checkout page to your liking.
Lets get started.
Choosing A Checkout Page Template
From your WordPress Dashboard, go to “OptimizePress > Create New Page”

Next, click on “Templates”

Then click on the “Checkout” page type filter.

Now you’ll choose a template. Just hover over the template that you want to use, and click “Use Template”

Now enter a name for your page and click the “Create Page” button

Editing the Checkout Form
Once the page loads, in order to edit the checkout form, just follow these steps.
Click somewhere on the checkout form and then in the top of the editor click “Checkout Form” in the element breadcrumb like you see here:

Then click the little cart icon in the element toolbar, and choose “Checkout Options”

Once you open the Checkout Options you’ll see the checkout form wizard popup where you would then select your product. Choose the product, and bump offer if you want one, and then click the green “Next Step” button

Now you are going to choose the fields that you want on your checkout form. On this screen, any selected or default field will have a blue border around them. Just click those to deselect them (some such as email can not be turned off). Click on any other field you want to add. Once you have chosen what you want for the fields, then click the green “Next Step” button to proceed.

Now you’ll see the options for what happens after the sale. You can choose “product success URL” or “Redirect to URL” (there are also other options if you are editing a funnel page, such as “Next Funnel Step” – Once you set that up, click the green “Next Step button again.

The last screen on the Checkout form Wizard is the “complete” step where you can just verify what you setup. If all looks good then click the green “Close” button, and now your checkout form should show all the options you selected or changed.

If you require any further help setting up your checkout forms please reach out to the team for help by submitting a support ticket.