The Credit Card element will allow you to add icons on your site to let your potential buyers know what types of payment methods you will accept on your site. Stripe and PayPal both accept all the major credit cards. Using icons like this will make your sales process look a little more professional as most big businesses tend to use things like this as it adds some reassurance to the buyer that their method of payment will be acceptable.
To add the Credit Card element, simply click the “+” icon or open the element sidebar and then drag the element where you want to put it:
Once you add the Credit Card element to your page, you can use the element toolbar to customize it.
To add a new card icon, simply click the + icon within the element toolbar.
To delete a card icon, just click on the card icon you don’t want, and click the trashcan icon in the element toolbar:
You can also change the card icon by clicking on the icon you want to change, and then in the element toolbar just click on the card icon like you see here:
If you choose icons that have the card logo with a border around it, you can also select a color for all those icons.
Notice in the below screenshot when I change the color setting, it only changes the two card icons with the border:
We would recommend changing the colors to match your brand, or use the standard card icons there if you want to keep the card branding.
You could also do a split test with this one change in OptimizeFunnels to see how the default card icons convert over the card icons being all the same color.
If you need any further guidance on this or have any questions just reach out to our friendly support team and they’ll be happy to help.