This is a guide to getting the most out of the OptimizePress Optimizations Suite. These options are specifically to optimize pages built with the OptimizeBuilder.
Note: Our optimization options do not affect your pages created with your theme (such as pages and posts). We do plan to release further optimizations for this later when using our themes, if not we recommend using other WordPress optimization plugins to optimize this part of your site.
Our focus here is getting you the best results for your “conversion pages” – those are the pages which bring the biggest ROI to your business. Usually these will be your landing pages, sales pages and funnel pages.
Before you start: a note about OptimizePress pages
Before you even activate any of our optimization options, it’s worth knowing that we’ve already done a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure that you are building from a solid, clean optimized foundation for your pages.
This means even without our optimization options ON, you’ll find your pages still out-perform other page builders in most tests. This gives you a really good foundation upon which to build super-fast pages and websites.