In this tutorial, we’re going to walk you through step-by-step, how to integrate Amazon S3 with OptimizeCheckouts so you can begin sharing your files with your customers.
1. Create a Secret Key
The first step is to create a secret key in Amazon S3. This is an important step as you will need this to integrate with OptimizeCheckouts.
First, head over to and create an account or log in.
You will see a list of all of the services Amazon provides access to.

On the top left corner of the dashboard, click on the Services link to reveal a list of all of the services you can launch and begin using.
Look for the services called S3 and click on it to launch the Amazon S3 service.

Please Note: We recommend clicking on the Star icon next to the service to add it to your favourites and provide easy access.
You will be taken to the Amazon S3 Dashboard where you can create a new secret key and add buckets, which we will walk you through shortly.

Next, click on your profile name on the top right to reveal a dropdown, and click on the My Security Credentials link.

On the My Security Credentials Dashboard, click the Access Keys (access key ID and secret access key) to reveal your access key. Here, you will be able to create a new secret access key.
Click the blue Create New Access Key button.

A lightbox will appear to confirm, that your new key has been created. To view your Secret Access Key, click on the blue Show Access Key link to reveal your Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Please Note: When you generate a new key, you will only be able to view the Secret Access key once and will not be able to view it again. We recommend you make a note of your keys or download the file for future reference.
2. Create a new Bucket
With your Amazon S3 key created, the next step of the process is to create a new bucket to store all of the files that you will be sharing with your new customers.
On the main S3 Dashboard, click the orange Create Bucket button.

You will be taken the Create Bucket page to create a new Bucket.

In the Bucket Name field, give your bucket a name.
Please Note: Amazon only allows small letters and no spaces. If the name has already been taken, Amazon will notify you to provide a different name.
Next, select the preferred AWS Region where you would like your files to be hosted. We recommend picking a region closest to your home region to ensure faster file access speeds.
For this tutorial, we have chosen to keep the remaining settings as default. For more information on these settings, please refer to the Amazon AWS documentation.
3. Adding a file to your new Bucket
Head back to the main Amazon S3 dashboard and locate the new bucket you have just created.
Click on the bucket name to take you to the contents of the bucket.

To upload a new file, click the orange Upload button.
Next, click the Add Files button to upload a new file.

For this tutorial, we’ll be adding a PDF, which we will use as the file our customers will access upon purchase of our product.
With the file uploaded, click the orange Upload button to upload the file into your bucket.

Your file is now successfully uploaded.
Lastly, copy the name of your bucket and add it to the file containing your key ID information.
With your secret key and bucket created, you are now ready to integrate your S3 account with OptimizeCheckouts.
4. Integrating with OptimizeCheckouts
To integrate with OptimizeCheckouts, go to OptimizeCheckouts > Settings and click on the Amazon S3 tab.
You will be taken to an area to insert your Amazon S3 credentials.
Locate the file you created that contains your key credentials and Bucket name and copy these across to the areas provided in OptimizeCheckouts.

Click the blue Save button to confirm the integration. Your Amazon S3 account and Bucket are now successfully integrated with OptimizeCheckouts.
5. Add a shared file
The final part of the process is to share the file we created earlier in our new bucket.
We’re going to assume that you have already added a new product in OptimizeCheckouts. For more information on how to create a new product, please refer to the KB article below.
Create Digital Product Download
Head back over to your uploaded file in your Amazon S3 bucket and click on the file.
You will be taken to the file settings.
Click the Copy icon in the key area of your file settings. This will be the name of the file we will be used to paste into the file downloads area in OptimizeCheckouts.

With your key copied to your clipboard, head back over to OpimizeCheckouts > Products and click on the product you would like to share your new file with.
Click on the Included Files tab. Then the blue Add Download button.

In the Add Download Options, give your download file a name in the field provided.
Under the File Storage dropdown, select Amazon S3.
Finally, paste the file name of the file we copied earlier into the S3 File field provided.
Click the blue Add Download button.
Your Amazon S3 file is now successfully added, and ready for your customers to download.