Keap Integration

Keap is a popular email marketing service that OptimizePress integrates with that you can use to help get leads for your business.

OptimizePress Keap Integration Setup Part 1: Connect your site to Keap

To begin integrating Keap to your OptimizePress account, login to your WordPress site where you have OptimizePress installed, and navigate to OptimizePress3 > Integrations

Then click the blue Add New Integration button.

You’ll now see a popup window where you can type in the search box the service you want to integrate with. Type in Keap and then hover your mouse pointer over the Keap logo and then click on the green Connect button.

You will be taken to your Keap login window followed by a request to connect your account to OptimizePress.

Insert your login information and select the application you would like to connect to. Click on the blue Allow button to confirm the integration.

If successful, you should now see your Keap application listed and fully integrated inside your OptimizePress Dashboard.

OptimizePress Keap Integration Setup Part 2: Connect Your OptimizePress Optin Form Element With Keap

With Keap successfully integrated, the final step is to connect your OptimizePress opt-in element in order to begin collecting leads.

To do this, open your landing page containing your form with the OptimizeBuilder.

Under opt-in form options, click the small envelope icon and click the Edit Integration button.

An integration options window will appear. Select Keap in the list of options and click the Next Step button.

Under the dropdown, select the tag you set up in your Keap dashboard.

With your tag selected, click on Next Step.

Next, select the form fields you would like your forms to collect and pass to Keap. With your fields selected, click on the next step.

For this example, we have left the other options to default. Once you’re happy with your settings, click the Close button.

Your opt in form is now ready to begin collecting leads ready to use with Keap.

Recommended Reading (Links open in new window)

How to Use the OptimizePress Optin Form Element

How to Use the GDPR fields in the Optin Form Element

Other Integrations

If you have any trouble please reach out to our support team for further help. 

Updated on December 1, 2022

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