Counter Element

The counter element can be a eye catching element to draw attention to some statistics you want to share about your business.

Adding the Counter Element:

To add a Counter Element to your page, simply click the + icon and drag the element into the page.

You’ll then be presented with some design options. You can stick with the default and then change settings to get the look you want or choose from our preexisting designs.

Changing the Counter Element Settings

To change the settings, simply click on the counter icon in the element toolbar. You can change the start/ending number, animation duration, whether to include a separator for numbers over 1,000, and change the layout options.

The “Layout” tab will also let you turn on and off certain parts of the counter element, and adjust the spacing. 

You can also, just like most other elements, edit the text/font settings, colors, icon size/color, alignment, borders/shadows from the inline element toolbar.

You’ll also be able to adjust the text/font settings separately for the prefix/suffix texts as well

If you would like to change the color of the icon, or any text in the Counter element, you may do so by clicking the color pallet icon in the inline element toolbar, and simply choose the colors you want: 

Want to change up the background of the Counter element? Just click on the background icon and select the options you want there: 

To select or change the Icon for the Counter Element, simply click the icon symbol in the inline element toolbar where you can choose the icon, set the icon size, and spacing: 

If you need to change the alignment, just click the alignment icon in the inline element toolbar, and you can change the element alignment as well as the text alignment:

NOTE: if you are changing text alignment you’ll first need to click the advanced options and change the max width:

As you can see, the counter element is a great way to make your business statistics stand out. 

To learn more about the counter element, you may also visit the following link:

Updated on October 5, 2023

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