The audio player will allow you to add audio to your page. This is great for music or any kind of audio files you may need to share with your site visitors.
To add the audio player element, simply click the + icon and type in “audio” in the search box. You’ll see the element there.
Once you drag the element into the page where you want to show the audio player, you’ll see an option to either use/upload an audio file in your media library.
Or, you can optionally use an audio file URL. Just make sure if your site is using an SSL that the audio file URL starts with https and not htt
After you add the file, you’ll see the inline editing toolbar where you can choose to further customize the audio.
You can replace/delete the audio, Loop the audio, and/or AutoPlay the audio file.
You can also Choose whether the file is downloadable or not. Setting the download option to “yes” will open a new icon on the toolbar that has some settings for the download icon size/color
You can also Move, Clone, or Delete the element
Other settings can be accessed through the cog icon. To open advanced settings, just click the “Advanced Options” button which will open the left sidebar for further customization for advanced positioning, Responsive, Animations/Delay, or other advanced settings.
As you can see, the audio element is a very easy to use element. If you have any questions or need help with this element, just reach out to our support team and they will be happy to help.