Configure Display Settings

In this tutorial, we’re going to briefly walk you through the different options in the OptimizeUrgency Display settings.

To see the setting, you will first need to head over to the OptimizeUrgency Dashboard and click on the blue Configure Display Settings button on your newly created alert.

Once clicked, a popup box will appear with a list of all of the display settings you can customize.

By default, all of these settings will be acceptable to use without many changes. But if you would like further customization, you will be able to do so without any problems.

Here is what each field represents:

Display on Desktop: Turning this off will not display your alerts on desktop computers and will only be seen on tablet and mobile devices.

Display on Mobile: As with the previous setting, turning this off will not display your alerts on tablet or mobile and will only be seen on desktop computers.

Alert Position: This setting will allow you to set where on the display you would like the alert to be. By default, this is set to the bottom left.

Time to first alert: This is how long a visitor is first on your page before they are shown your first alert.

Alert Duration: Here, you can set how long you want each alert to be displayed.

Time between Alerts: This setting represents the length of time between each alert notification.

Event Threshold: This setting only displays events within the time threshold (eg. purchases made within this time span from this current date.)

Show Alerts On: Here, you can set which posts and pages you would like your alerts to be displayed. By default, this is set to all posts and pages.

Importance: If you have multiple alerts running, you will be able to use this setting to determine a priority order of alerts. By default, this is set to 5.

Show Close Button: You can choose to display the close button on the alert.

Show Time Ago: Here, you can display the time in which an action was made.

Loop Alerts: You can choose whether to show the same alerts in a looped sequence or once per page load.

Verified Subscriber: Here, you can display a verified subscriber message on the alert to improve the credibility of the notification.

Updated on December 4, 2022

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