In this article, we are going to cover the Blog Post Layout and the different options that we can adjust.
1. Go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> under Blog, click Blog Post Layout.
2. The first you can adjust is if you want a sidebar. If you do, you can select whether the right or left sidebar. Select the no sidebar option if you do not want to have a sidebar.
3. The Enable Previous/Next Post Pagination will allows you to click on to go to the next post or the previous post.
Together with the Author Info Box and Related Posts, these settings apply sitewide – meaning this will show in all posts. However, you can adjust the Blog Post Layout on each specific post which will be shown in #4.
4. If you do not want to have a sidebar on a specific post, you can actually customized the Blog Post Layout by going to the specific post >> under the Custom Theme Options, go to the Sidebar >> click the Custom button and then choose whether to use the no sidebar layout or the with sidebar (right or left) layout.