Smart Theme v3 Header Settings

This tutorial will cover the header settings within the SmartTheme. 

When first activating the SmartTheme and enabling your blog in WordPress. The SmartTheme Header will look like this:

You will be able to completely customize the header menu that best suits your brand. We will be breaking down each part of the header settings,

To start, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Header

You will be taken to the header options where you can customize how you would like your heading to look.

Logo: By default, this is set to an image that you can replace. We recommend not using an image that is no more than 220px in size.

Retina Logo: As with the logo section, you can change the image to one that is of your brand. However, for the retina logo, we recommend not using an image no larger than 440px.

Site Icon: This is the small image that will display on the browser tab, otherwise called a favicon. Upload a custom image no larger than 512×512 in dimensions.

Sticky Header: Turning this on by clicking “Yes” will allow your header to continue to be shown as the user scrolls down. This is set to on by default.

Show search box in header: Turning this on will display the magnifying glass icon, allowing users the ability to search through your blog.

Header Style: Here, you will be able to select from 4 different styles: Basic, Navbar below header & tagline, Centered & Full Width.

Navbar below header & tagline
Full Width

Dropdown Menu Line Color: Set the colour of the submenu line colour when you click on the main menu link. By default, this is set to blue.

Site Tagline: Give your blog a tagline that best describes your brand and business. This will only show on the Navbar below header & tagline header style.

Header Background Color: This is the background colour of the header. By default, the colour is set to white.

Header Botton Border Color: Set a bottom border colour of your header that fits your brand. By default, this is set to light grey.

Updated on December 7, 2022

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