The OptimizePress Constant Contact Integration was recently updated as Constant Contact no longer uses the old oAuth method.
Create a Constant Contact Application
To integrate with Constant Contact, you’ll first need to setup an application by going to (click the button below to open this link in a new tab).
Click the “My Applications” link in the top of the screen.

You’ll be asked to login if you haven’t done so already

Once you are logged in, you should be on the “My Applications” screen already, but if you are not, then click that link and you’ll then see a screen similar to the screen below. Just click on “New Application” to get started.

Now fill in a name for your app and leave other options at their default selections. We recommend using your site name which can help if you have multiple sites to use this integration for.

After you create the app you’ll see the success message. Now you’ll want to click “Edit”

Getting the Client ID and Client Secret ID
On the App Details screen (after clicking “Edit”), we’ll see the Client ID which needs to be copied.

Next, we’ll need to generate a client secret. Click the blue button “Generate Client Secret” and make sure you copy that key and keep it somewhere safe. You will not be able to retrieve it later.

Click in the popup, the blue “Generate Client Secret”

Add Client ID and Secret ID, & Get the Redirect URI
Now we need to get the Redirect URI. To do this, you’ll login to the OptimizePress site where you want to add the integration. Navigate to “OptimizePress > Integrations” and click the “Add New Integration” button.

Then search for and click on the Constant Contact integration

You can enter the Client ID and Client Secret here that you just copied. Then copy the Redirect URL and click “Save Credentials” (but do not click the connection button yet)

Now before we go any further we’ll need to Paste the redirect URL back in the Constant Contact App Redirect URI field. Go back to the Constant Contact App, and click the edit (pencil icon) to add the URL

Then enter the URL and click the Confirm button

Then click the blue “Save” button to save the changes to the app

Connecting the App with OptimizePress
Now that your redirect URI is saved in your Constant Contact APP, and your Client ID and Secret ID have been entered into OptimizePress, now we’ll need to go back to your OptimizePress Integrations screen and click the green “Connect” button.

Then click t he “Allow Access” button on the next screen

Congratulations, if all went well, you are now connected with Constant Contact and will see it listed in the OptimizePress Integrations screen

Troubleshooting Tip
If you get the error “400 Bad Request” when clicking the connect button (from the last section above), then you probably didn’t save the Redirect URL into the Constant Contact APP. Please make sure to click the blue save button AFTER you edit the Redirect URI setting in the app and save that since the changes to the app are not saved until you do that.

Other reasons you may get a “400 Bad Request” would be if your web host is somehow blocking the http communication between Constant Contact and your OptimizePress site. In that case, you’ll want to contact your web host for further troubleshooting.
You may also wish to check any security firewalls on your site (or hosting) and make sure no http communications are blocked.
If you need any further help with this integration, please contact our friendly support team and they’ll be happy to help.