Feature Blocks are great for displaying some information in a grid or list style that is very visually appealing. If you would like to learn how to use this element, please watch the following videos.
NOTE: Please note that each feature block element can only have a maximum of 12 feature box items. If you need to have more than 12 items in the feature box element, you can clone the element and then remove the ones you don’t want and add more that way. This limit is by design to help with speed optimization.
Our Quick Reference Text Guide:
In this guide we’re going to show how use the Feature Block Element.
1. Click and drag the Feature Block element to a section inside the editor where you wanted to insert the Feature Block (At the moment we are using a blank page just to give you an idea).
2. Select your Feature Block Layout (Most of the time it will be 3 column but you can choose up to 4 columns).
3. Select the Design you wanted your Feature Block to look like (Shown at the left side bar after you have selected your feature block layout).
Now your template is ready, you can now start editing the content of each block. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our support team for assistance.