Some web hosts come with a very low upload limit. The default on some web hosts is only to provide either 1MB or 8MB upload limit. You can check this by going to “Media > Add New” from within the WordPress Dashboard.
The OptimizePress Dashboard plugin is less than 8MB so if you can install that, but cannot install the other plugins from within the Dashboard, then your upload limit may be set too low. Our builder plugin is around 15MB, and other plugins may be larger than your web hosts low upload limit.
Upload limit can be increased. Please reach out to your web host to have them update your php.ini or .user.ini files with the following:
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 32M
You can then verify under “Media > Add New” to see if the changes took place. If they did, then you should be able to install the rest of your OptimizePress plugins without further issues.
If you need further help with this or can not solve this issue, please do reach out to our support team for further help