Unsplash Integration

The new OptimizePress Builder includes a special integration with the Unsplash Stock Photo Library to allow you to easily find great looking images for your landing pages, sales pages and any page you create or edit with the Builder.

To start using the Unsplash integration, just insert an image into your page, or choose the “Set Image” option anywhere that you want to set an image (for example a background image):

Inside the “Add Media” screen, you can now select the “Unsplash” tab to access images from the Unsplash stock photo website:

You can now see images from the Unsplash library.  By default, the platform will show their latest or most popular images at the time of viewing.  

To find a suitable image for your page, enter your search term into the “Search for unsplash” field.  In the example below you can see we entered “laptop” without quotes – and pressed the ENTER key on your keyboard

You can now click any image to import it into your media library, where you can then use it like any other image in your Media Library.

If you wish to see more images for your search term (if they are available) click the “Load More” button at the bottom of the image feed to load more images for review

Please note you should always verify licensing for any images used via the Unsplash integration – OptimizePress takes no responsibility for images provided via Unsplash in the event of licensing issues.  If you have any concerns about an image from Unsplash, search the same term on Unsplash directly at https://unsplash.com/search/ and then click the image you are using to see more information and licensing agreements for that image.

Updated on November 28, 2022

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