Asset Optimization Our Asset Optimization options allow you to customize how some of the most important assets of your page are loaded. ...
Delay JavaScript Execution Delay JavaScript Execution to give your pages an extra speed boost. What does Delay JavaScript Execution actually do? The Delay...
Disable WordPress Embeds When they released WordPress 4.4, they merged the oEmbed feature into core. You have probably seen or used this before. This allows users...
Embed Video Facade Embedded videos on your page can cause significant page load delays due to the scripts required for the video player....
Google Fonts Our Google Fonts loading options allow you to customize how Google fonts are loaded to your OptimizeBuilder pages. Preload Fonts...
How to Optimize Your Pages This is a guide to getting the most out of the OptimizePress Optimizations Suite. These options are specifically to optimize...
Image Optimization Using next-generation image formats such as WebP can reduce image size and also satisfy Google’s audit on next-gen image formats. ...
Lazy Loading Lazy Loadingis a strategy to identify resources as non-blocking (non-critical) and load these only when needed. It can occur on...
Viewport Progressive Images OptimizePress now includes an advanced image optimization technology which generates progressive loading images for different device screens and allows you...